Review: Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig

posted in: Reviews, Top Rated Games | 0

The Mad King Ludwig – Ludwig II of Bavaria to his friends – was known to be a bit eccentric and actually declared insane. His famously unfinished Neuschwanstein castle serves as a reminder of his eccentricities. In Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig you get to be an architect for the king himself, helping to construct two neighboring castles with a lot of oddities included.

Review: Wingspan

posted in: Reviews | 0

Wingspan is the newest game from Stonemaier Games. That is enough for some to be interested in this game. The game was designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and has beautiful watercolor-like illustrations by Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, Natalia Rojas and Beth Sobel. A complete women’s team! Wingspan created a lot of interest and hype among board game enthusiasts in the first quarter of 2019. The game, but also the designer got a nice spotlight article in the New York Times.

Top 6 Most Anticipated Games at SPIEL ’17

posted in: Top 6 | 10

The closer SPIEL gets, the more excited I get. It’s without a doubt the board game highlight of the year for me. It’s like Christmas for the little kid inside me, except it’s 4 days and I get to choose my own gifts. Like earlier years, there are so many great game releasing there, but with the help of my tool (Tabletop Together Tool) I managed to narrow down the list of hundreds and hundreds of releases to my personal Top 6 Most Anticipated Games at SPIEL ’17.